
Alfred Krippendorf
First Chairman

Dipl. Ing. Ing. Chem. Alfred Krippendorf Captain ret.

CEO HCG - Hazard Control GmbH and HCE - Hazard Control Engineering GmbH, HiddingenTestCenter
1990-1992 NBC-Defense Officer of the 80th Pioneer Brigade Storkow
1987-1990 Head of the Toxicological- and Radiological Squad at the chemical training ground Storkow, central storage facility of CWAs.
1982 - 1987 Platoon Leader, Company Commander
1979 - 1982 Studies at the Military University for Land Forces in Löbau
Since 1995 - Self-employed as Managing Director of HCG - Hazard Control GmbH and HCE - Hazard Control Engineering, with projects for CWM disposal in Germany, Japan, France and Russia.

Board Member

Leif Nebel

CEO Eggers Kampfmittelbergung GmbH

Demolition expert with certificate of competence according to §20 German Explosives Act.

Specialization:WWII / USSR / NATO / Chemical Warfare Materials (CWMs)

Board Member

Jan Kölbel

CEO Stascheit Kampfmittelräumung

Technical Director Heinrich Hirdes EOD Services GmbH